Recent Presentation

Peter Funk Presents on Micro-grids to NYC Bar Association Energy Committee

NEW YORK, NY (May 22, 2013) — Peter V.K. Funk, Jr. participated today in organizing and presenting a program on co-generation and steam micro-grids for the Energy Committee of the NYC Bar Association.

The program included a presentation addressing a micro-grid in a large city hospital, the co-generation system and complex micro-grid which distributes electricity and thermal energy at the Montefiore Medical Center in New York City. The program also included a presentation addressing the Cornell University’s micro-grid, one of the largest in the United States.

A micro-grid is the small-scale grid situated within a limited area (typically a customer facility or campus) that distributes on-site power generation, which can include electricity and thermal energy (such as steam). The electricity can be produced by co-generation using natural gas or renewable sources such as wind or solar energy.  Excess power can often be sold to the local electric utility. 

According to Funk, "micro-grids are important because they provide distributed generation as an alternative to large-scale utility power generation providing enhanced reliability and efficiency."

For more information on micro-grids, please contact Peter Funk.

Funk is co-founder of the energy law boutique Funk & Zeifer LLP based in New York City.